Java Bubble Sort class

This is a simple demonstration of a Bubble Sort class. It consists of two classes, a tester class and the main sorting class. The sort takes an array of int and returns a sorted array of int.

The zip contains the two java source files.

/** * Class Bubblesort - Class to implement a standard bubble sort routine * * @author Andrew Norcross * @version 1.0 */ public class Bubblesort { /** * Bubblesort - sorts data into accending order */ public int[] sort (int[] sorting) { Boolean swapped = true; int counter = sorting.length; int temp; while (swapped) { swapped = false; for (int i = 0; i < counter - 1; i++) { if (sorting[i] > sorting [i + 1]) { temp = sorting[i]; sorting[i] = sorting[i+1]; sorting[i+1] = temp; swapped = true; } } counter--; } return sorting; } }

Bubble Sort example